The Coronavirus is currently gripping the world with fear; flights are restricted, all sports shutdown and schools are closed. It almost seems like the world is on one big time-out. Today I went for a bike ride with Ella and I saw loads of people out enjoying the beautiful day. My work has authorized global split teams (team blue and team green) to limit the effects of a spread of infection on a team. I worked from home a bit last week & it was fine. I do miss the room and the camaraderie of the staff. While I’m at home I have the girls; Ella has been really good and is getting herself cereal and such. Abby for her part is staying in her room and coming out for food, ha. The weather was very nice today; I did all my yardwork yesterday and today — mow, edge, weed, sweep up. I also cleaned up in the house and did the dishes and laundry. At least in my neighborhood folks are enjoying this time with family and loved ones. Fathers and Flashlights has officially been cancelled (the camping trip) and we got no refund! I sorted knew it would get cancelled and I started prepping Ella for that fact. Todd (Paiges dad) invited us to go with him to do our own fathers and flashlights. In many ways I think this one will be better! Anyways, god speed to the world and hoping this all blows over some time soon.