Good run, hot today. Lots of folks out
Very warm today. I wore a tank top and sweat a lot. Good pace out to bridge and onto Forrest trail. Saw a snake on the path and had to move around him. Pace was poor after that.
Treadmill. Had early meetings
Better run today; Felt strong
My neck and shoulder hurt last few days. Must’ve slept on it wrong or something. I had to motivate myself to run
Saw a dead copperhead in the road after the storm.
Post Thunderstorm Run
Thunder clouds were still rumbling as I ran. Lots of water and mud in n the trails. Tried to avoid all the mud but still got wet. Checked on the bat boxes.
Treadmill run in gym
A rainy day
Getting back at it
Not my best run today; it’s so hot and humid. Getting back into running everyday, I’m tired of my clothes feeling too tight.